Waldron HR Blog

Gratitude Challenge Week 2:ย The Power of Giving Back

Written by Ben Soto | 11/27/23 4:40 PM

The holiday season is a magical time filled with joy, togetherness, and a spirit of generosity. But for some, the season can also be challenging for some, as it may bring stress, hardship, and turmoil, exacerbating existing struggles. As we enter this time of year, let us take a moment to reflect on the profound impact that giving back can have on our lives and our communities.

Giving, in all its many forms, can uplift spirits, strengthen human connections, and spread goodness in the world. The catalyst for this wave of generosity is gratitude. By focusing on what we are thankful for, we are compelled to give back and pay the feeling forward.

The Transformative Power of Giving

Giving back profoundly transforms lives. Research shows it benefits both the giver and the receiver.

Giving boosts the feel-good hormone oxytocin, providing purpose and reducing stress. It taps into our innate human instinct for compassion and connection.

And generosity has a ripple effect. When we give, it inspires others to pay it forward. This propagates more goodwill through communities.

Thus, giving uplifts us emotionally as it connects us socially and spreads more kindness. It is a gift that gives back.

Make Your Mark This GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday, celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, provides a perfect opportunity to embrace the spirit of giving.

This global day unites millions around the world to celebrate generosity. It harnesses the power of collaboration to inspire giving in all its forms - whether through donations, volunteering, or acts of kindness.

Here are some impactful ways to get involved this GivingTuesday:

Support Your Favorite Causes

If you can, consider making end-of-year, quarterly, or monthly donations to charitable organizations, making a difference locally or globally. Also, look for volunteer opportunities to contribute your time and talents as well.

Incorporate "Five-Minute Favors"

Take five minutes daily to do a small act of kindness for someone else without expecting anything in return. This could be sending a thank you note, posting a positive review, making an introduction, or sharing an insightful article. These small acts can brighten someone's day!

Encourage Workplace Giving

Organize a fundraising drive or community service day with your workplace. Giving back as a company boosts employee morale, engagement, and pride.

Spread Kindness

Sometimes, the simplest gestures mean the most. Hold the door for someone, let a car merge in front of you, compliment a stranger. A little bit of kindness goes a long way!

Take Action: Spread Five Minutes of Cheer

As part of our gratitude challenge this week, here is an easy action step we can all take to embrace the spirit of giving:

Commit to one five-minute favor each day.

Set aside five minutes to do something nice for someone else without expecting anything in return. Your favor could be:

- Sending a thank you note
- Posting a positive online review
- Making an introduction between two people
- Sharing an inspiring quote or article

These small acts of kindness can brighten someone's day and reinforce our shared humanity. Five minutes can make a difference!

This holiday season, Waldron + Torchiana invites you to harness the power of gratitude and embrace the spirit of giving back. Seek opportunities to give your time, talent, and kindness - not just on GivingTuesday but all year.

Giving back fills us with purpose, forges human connections, and spreads goodness. Even small acts of generosity can profoundly transform lives...including our own.

As Mr. Rogers wisely said, โ€œWhen we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.โ€ So, let's spread the holiday cheer this season through the gift of giving back!


Causes Waldron + Torchiana Team Support

Waldron + Torchiana is dedicated to giving back and making a difference. As a company, we match our team members' contributions yearly to have a multiplying effect. Here are some of the worthy causes our team members passionately support:

San Francisco-Marin Food Bank - Addresses community hunger head-on โ€“ from our food pantry network and home-delivered groceries to CalFresh (food stamp) enrollment. Torchiana + Waldron supports through an organizational donation. https://www.sfmfoodbank.org/ 

Seattle Food Lifeline - Provides nutritious food to 1.37 million people facing hunger by sourcing nutritious food from various food industry partners. Waldron + Torchiana supports through an organizational donation. https://foodlifeline.org/ 

Epilepsy Foundation of America - Working to find a cure for epilepsy and improve the lives of those impacted. November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month. https://www.epilepsy.com/give 

Mary Kay Ash Foundation - Investing in breakthrough cancer research and ending domestic violence against women. https://marykayashfoundation.org/ 

East Bay SPCA - Finding loving homes for shelter animals in the community. https://eastbayspca.org/ 

Hearts Alive Village - An all-in-one animal rescue in Las Vegas with a vet clinic, adoption center, fostering, rehoming, rehab, and more. https://www.heartsalivevillage.org/give/ 

Barbara McDowell Foundation - Improving the economic well-being, social conditions, and civil liberties of disadvantaged persons and groups in the United States. https://www.mcdowellfoundation.org/contact-1 

The Kindering Center - Embraces children of diverse abilities and their families by providing the finest education and therapies to nurture hope, courage, and the skills to soar. https://kindering.org/get-involved/ 

West Seattle Food Bank - Ensure all our neighbors have access to food, emergency financial assistance, clothing, diapers, and other basic needs. https://westseattlefoodbank.org/ 

Cure MECP2 Duplication Syndrome - Funding research and trials to find a cure for this rare genetic disorder. https://curemds.org/ 

Wa Na Wari - Creates space for black ownership, possibilities, and belonging through art, historic preservation, and connection. https://www.wanawari.org/

We encourage everyone to get involved with organizations making a difference on causes you care about. Together, through generosity and compassion, we can build a better world.

MISS A CHALLENGE? See all Gratitude Challenges for weeks one to six here.